2025 and in press
Barton, J.J.S., Albonica, A., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Imagery and perception in acquired prosopagnosia: Functional variants and their relation to structure. Cortex.
Susilo, T., & Duchaine, B. (2025). Improving diagnosis of developmental prosopagnosia: The role of exclusion criteria. Cortex, 183, 304-308.
Yovel, G., Duchaine, B., & Freiwald, W. (2024). Cortical face processing systems. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, 2nd edition (editor: Grafman, J). Elsevier.
Mello, A., Stehr, D., Bujarski, K., & Duchaine, B. (2024). Visualising facial distortions in prosopometamorphopsia. The Lancet, 403(10432): 1176.
Duchaine, B., Rezlescu C., Garrido L., Zhang Y., Braga M.V., & Susilo T. (2023). The development of upright face perception depends on evolved orientation-specific mechanisms and experience. iScience, 26(10): 107763.
Herald, S.B., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Contralateral biases in category-selective areas are stronger in the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(7): 1154–1168.
Barton, J. J., Stubbs, J. L., Paquette, S., Duchaine, B., Schlaug, G., & Corrow, S. L. (2023). Music perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 108540.
Herald, S.B., Almeida, J. & Duchaine, B. (2023). Face distortions in prosopometamorphopsia provide new insights into the organization of face perception. Neuropsychologia, 108517.
Bell, L., Duchaine, B., & Susilo, T. (2023). Dissociations between face identity and face expression processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognition.
Parker, B.J., Voorhies, W., Jiahui, G., Miller, J., Willbrand, E., Hallock, T., Furl, N., Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & Weiner, K. (2023). Hominoid-specific sulcal variability is related to face perception ability. Brain Structure and Function, 228, 677–685.
Kieseler, M-L., & Duchaine, B. (2023). Persistent prosopagnosia following COVID-19. Cortex, 162, 56-64.
Arrington, M., Elbich, D., Dai, J., Duchaine, B., & Scherf, K.S. Introducing the female Cambridge face memory test – long form (F-CFMT+). Behavior Research Methods, 54(6), 3071-3084.
Abudarham, N., Bate, S., Duchaine, B., & Yovel, G. (2021). Developmental prosopagnosics and super recognizers rely on the same facial features used by individuals with normal face recognition abilities for face identification. Neuropsychologia, 107963.
Stantic, M., Brewer, R., Duchaine, B., Banissy, M.J., Bate, S., Susilo, T., Catmur, C., and Bird, G. (2021). The Oxford Face Matching Test: A Non-Biased Test of The Full Range of Individual Differences in Face Perception. Behavior Research Methods.
Dalrymple, K., Khan, A., Duchaine, B., & Elison, J. (2021). Visual input to the left versus right eye yields differences in face preferences in 3-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 24(2), e13029.
Almeida, J., Freixo, A., Tabuas-Periera, M., Herald, S.B., Valerio, D., Schu, G., Duro, D., Cunha, G., Bukhari, Q., Duchaine, B., & Santana, I. (2020). Face-Specific Perceptual Distortions Reveal A View- and Orientation-Independent Face Template. Current Biology 30,1-7.
Jiahui, G., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Attentional modulation differentially affects ventral and dorsal face areas in both normal participants and developmental prosopagnosics. Cognitive Neuropsychology.
Peterson, M. F., Zaun, I., Hoke, H., Jiahui, G., Duchaine, B., & Kanwisher, N. (2019). Eye movements and retinotopic tuning in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Vision, 19(9), 7-7.
Barton, J. J., Albonico, A., Susilo, T., Duchaine, B., & Corrow, S. L. (2019). Object recognition in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-31.
Corrow, S.L., Stubbs, J.L., Schlaug, G., Buss, S., Paquette, S., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2019). Perception Of Musical Pitch In Developmental Prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 124: 87-97.
Tardif, J., Morin Duchesne, X., Cohan, S., Royer, J., Blais, C., Fiset, D., Duchaine, B., & Gosselin, F. (2019). Use of face information varies systematically from developmental prosopagnosics to super-recognizers. Psychological science, 30(2), 300-308.
Penton, T., Bate, S., Dalrymple, K.A., Reed, T., Kelly, M., Godovich, S., Tamm, M., Duchaine, B., & Banissy, M.J. (2018). Using High Frequency Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation to Modulate Face Memory Performance in Younger and Older Adults: Lessons Learnt From Mixed Findings. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12.
Royer, J., Blais, C., Charbonneau, I., Déry, K., Tardif, J., Duchaine, B., Gosselin, F., & Fiset, D. (2018). Greater reliance on the eye region predicts better face recognition ability. Cognition. 181: 12-20.
- Jiahui, G., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (2018). Developmental prosopagnosics have widespread selectivity reductions across category-selective visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: E6418-E6427.

- Loth, E., Garrido, L., Ahmad, J., Watson, E., Duff, A.C., & Duchaine, B. (2018). Facial expression recognition as a candidate marker for autism spectrum disorder: How frequent and severe are deficits? Molecular Autism, 9: 7.

- Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & DeGutis, J. (2018). Association vs dissociation and setting appropriate criteria for object agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35: 55-58.

- Biotti, F., Wu, E., Yang, H., Jiahui, G., Duchaine, B., & Cook, R. (2017). Normal composite face effects in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 95: 63-76.

- Jiahui, G., Garrido, L., Liu, R.R., Susilo, T., Barton, J.J., & Duchaine, B. (2017). Normal voice processing after posterior superior temporal sulcus lesion. Neuropsychologia, 105: 215-222.

- Finzi, D., Susilo, T., Barton, J.J., & Duchaine, B. (in press). The role of holistic face processing in acquired prosopagnosia: evidence from the composite face effect. Visual Cognition.

- Dalrymple, K.A., Elison, J.T., & Duchaine, B. (2017). Face-selective and domain-general visual processing deficits in children with developmental prosopagnosia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70: 259-275.

- Freiwald, W., Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2016). Face processing systems: From neurons to real world social perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 39: 325-346.

- Rubino, C., Corrow, S., Corrow, J., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Word and text processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 33: 315-328.

- Moroz, D., Corrow, S., Corrow, J., Barton, A., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J. (2016). Localization and patterns of cerebral dyschomatopsia: A study of subjects with prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 89: 153-160.

- Lohse, M., Garrido, L., Driver, J., Dolan, R., Duchaine, B., & Furl, N. (2016). Effective Connectivity from Early Visual Cortex to Posterior Occipito-temporal Face Areas Predicts Developmental Prosopagnosia. Journal of Neuroscience, 36: 3821-3828.

- Corrow J, Corrow SL, Lee E, Pancaroglu R, Burles CF, Duchaine B, Iaria G, Barton JJS. (2016). Getting lost: topographic skills in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 76: 89-103.

- Towler, J., Gosling, A., Duchaine, B., & Eimer, M. (2016). Normal perception of Mooney faces in developmental prosopagnosia: Evidence from the N170 component and rapid neural adaptation. Journal of Neuropsychology, 10: 15-32.

- Pancaroglu, R., Hills, C.S., Sekunova, A., Viswanathan, J., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Seeing the eyes in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex, 81: 251-265.

- Yang, H., Susilo, T., & Duchaine, B. (2016). The anterior temporal face area contains invariant representations of identity that can persist despite the loss of right FFA and OFA. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 1096-1107.

- Liu, R.R., Pancaroglu, R., Hills, C.S., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Voice recognition in face-blind patients. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 1473-1487.

- Dalrymple, K. & Duchaine, B. (2016). Impaired face detection may explain some but not all cases of developmental prosopagnosia. Developmental Science. 19: 440-451.

- Song, S., Garrido, L., Nagy, Z., Mohammadi, S., Steel, A., Driver, J., Dolan, R., Duchaine, B., & Furl, N. (2015). Local but not long-range microstructural differences of the ventral temporal cortex in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 78: 195-206.

- Duchaine, B. & Yovel, G. (2015). A revised neural framework for face processing. Annual Review of Vision Science, 1: 393-416.

- Susilo, T., Wright, V., Tree, J., & Duchaine, B. (2015). Acquired prosopagnosia without word recognition deficits. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32: 321-339.

- Liu, R.R., Corrow, S., Pancaroglu, R., Duchaine, B. & Barton, J.J.S. (2015). The processing of voice identity in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 71: 390-397.

- Hills, C., Pancaroglu, R., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2015). Word and text processing in acquired prosopagnosia. Annals of Neurology, 78: 258-281.

- Romanska, A., Rezlescu, C., Susilo, T., Duchaine, B., & Banissy, M.J. (2015). High frequency transcranial random noise stimulation enhances perception of facial identity. Cerebral Cortex, 25: 4334-4340.

- Susilo, T., Yang, H., Potter, Z., Robbins, R., & Duchaine, B. (2015). Normal body perception despite the loss of right fusiform gyrus. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14: 1-14.

- Pitcher, D., Duchaine, B., & Walsh, V. (2014). Combined TMS and fMRI reveals dissociable cortical pathways for dynamic and static face perception. Current Biology, 24: 2066-2070.

- Bate, S., Cook, S.J., Duchaine, B., Tree, J.J., Burns, E.J., & Hodgson, T.L. (2014). Intranasal inhalation of oxytocin improves face processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 50: 55-63.

- Croydon, A., Pimperton, H., Ewing, L., & Duchaine, B., & Pellicano, E. (2014). The Cambridge Face Memory Test for Children (CFMT-C): A new tool for measuring face recognition skills in children. Neuropsychologia, 62: 60-67.

- Dalrymple, K.A.*, Davies-Thompson, J.*, Oruc, I., Handy, T., Barton, J., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Spontaneous perceptual facial distortions correlate with ventral occipitotemporal activity. Neuropsychologia, 59: 179-191.

- Dalrymple, K., Garrido, L., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 10: 10-20.

- Rezlescu, C., Pitcher, D., Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Normal acquisition of expertise with greebles in two cases of acquired prosopagnosia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111: 5123-5128.
- Dalrymple, K.A.*, Fletcher, K.*, Corrow, S., das Nair, R., Barton, J., Yonas, A., & Duchaine, B. (2014). "A room full of strangers every day": The psychosocial impact of developmental prosopganosia on children and their families. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77: 144-150. (* = joint first authors)

- Rezlescu, C.*, Susilo, T.*, Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Normal social evaluations of faces in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex, 50: 200-203. (* = joint first authors)
- Rezlescu, C.* & Susilo. T.* (2014). What can the Thatcher illusion tell us about face processing in the brain? Commentary on Psalta, Young, Thompson, and Andrews (2014). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 289. (* = joint first authors)
- Yovel, G., Wilmer, J., & Duchaine, B. (2014). What can individual differences reveal about face processing? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 562.

- Susilo, T., Rezlescu, C., & Duchaine, B. (2013). The composite effect for inverted faces is reliable at large sample sizes and requires the basic face configuration. Journal of Vision, 13(13), 14.

- Dalrymple, K.A., Gomez, J., & Duchaine, B. (2013). The Dartmouth Database of Children's Faces: Acquisition and validation of a new face stimulus set. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e79131.

- Susilo, T. & Duchaine, B. (2013). Dissociations between faces and words: comment on Behrmann & Plaut. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(11): 545.
Plaut & Behrmann response 
- Fox, C.J., Iaria, G., Duchaine, B.C., & Barton, J.J.S. (2013). Residual fMRI sensitivity for identity changes in acquired prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 756.

- Susilo, T., Germine, L., & Duchaine, B. (2013). Face recognition ability matures late: Evidence from individual differences in young adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 39(5): 1212-1217.

- Susilo, T., Yovel, G., Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2013). Face perception is category-specific: Evidence from normal body perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Cognition, 129: 88-94.

- Susilo, T. & Duchaine, B. (2013). Advances in developmental prosopagnosia research. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 23(3): 423-429.

- Palermo, R. & Duchaine, B. (2012). Introduction to this special issue on developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29 (5-6): 349-353.
- Dalrymple, K.A., Corrow, S., Yonas, A., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29 (5-6): 393-418.
- Rezlescu, C., Pitcher, D., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Acquired prosopagnosia with spared within-class object recognition but impaired recognition of basic-level objects. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29: 325–347.
- Kanai, R., Bahrami, B., Duchaine, B, Janik, A., Banissy, M.J. & Rees, G. (2012). Brain structure links loneliness to social
perception. Current Biology, 22: 1975-1979.
- Pitcher, D., Goldhaber, T., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., and Kanwisher, N. (2012). Two critical and functionally distinct stages of face and body perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32: 15877-15885.
- Towler, J., Gosling, A., Duchaine, B., & Eimer, M. (2012). The face-sensitive N170 component in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 50: 3588-3599.
- Germine, L., Nakayama, K., Duchaine, B., Chabris, C., Chatterjee, G., and Wilmer, J. (2012). Is the web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19: 847-857.
- Dennett, H.W., McKone, E., Tavashmi, R., Hall, A., Pidcock, M., Edwards, M., Duchaine, B. (2012). The Cambridge Car Memory Test: A task matched in format to the Cambridge Face Memory Test, with norms, reliability, sex differences, dissociations from face memory, and expertise effects. Behavior Research Methods, 44: 587-605.
- Rezlescu, C., Duchaine, B., Olivola, C.Y., & Chater, N. (2012). Unfakeable Facial Configurations Affect Strategic Choices in Trust Games With or Without Information About Past Behavior. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034293.
- Eimer, M., Gosling, A., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Electrophysiological markers of covert face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Brain, 135: 542-54.
- Pitcher, D., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., Kanwisher, N. (2011) . The role of the lateral occipital face and object areas in the face inversion effect. Neuropsychologia, 49(12): 3448-53.
- Fox, C.J., Hanif, H.M., Iaria, G., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2011). Perceptual and anatomic patterns of selective deficits in facial identity and expression processing. Neuropsychologia, 49(12): 3188-200.
- Dalrymple, K.A., Oruç, I., Duchaine, B., Pancaroglu, R., Fox, C.J., Iaria, G., Handy, T.C. & Barton, J.J.S. (2011). The neuroanatomic basis of the right face-selective N170 in acquired prosopagnosia: A combined ERP/fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 49: 2553-2563.
- Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., Duchaine, B. (2011). The role of the occipital face area in the cortical face perception network. Experimental Brain Research, 209(4): 481-93.
- Cook, R. & Duchaine, B. (2011). A look at how we look at others: Orientation inversion and photographic negation disrupt the perception of human bodies. Visual Cognition, 19 (4): 445-468.
- Banissy, M., Garrido, L., Kusnir, F., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., & Ward, J. (2011). Superior facial expression, but not identity recognition, in mirror-touch synaesthesia.The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(5): 1820–1824.
- Germine, L., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2011). Where cognitive development and aging meet: Face learning ability peaks after age 30. Cognition, 118(2): 201-210.
- Furl, N., Garrido, L., Dolan, R., Driver, J., & Duchaine, B. (2011). Fusiform gyrus face selectivity reflects facial recognition ability.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7): 1723–1740.
- Germine, L., Cashdollar, N., Düzel, E., & Duchaine, B. (2011). A new selective developmental deficit: Impaired object recognition with normal face recognition. Cortex, 47(5): 598-607.
- Duchaine, B. (2011). Developmental prosopagnosia. In: Handbook of Face Perception (Eds: Calder, Rhodes, Haxby, & Johnson), Oxford University Press.
- Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2011). Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies of face perception. In: Handbook of Face Perception (Eds: Calder, Rhodes, Haxby, & Johnson). Oxford University Press.
- Wilmer, J.B., Germine, L., Chabris, C.F., Chatterjee, G., Williams, M., Loken, E., Nakayama, K., & Duchaine, B. (2010). Human face recognition ability is highly heritable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 5238-5241.
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- Lee, Y., Duchaine, B., Nakayama, K., & Wilson, H. (2010). Three cases of developmental prosopagnosia from one family: Detailed neuropsychological and psychophysical investigation of face processing. Cortex, 46: 949-964.
- Duchaine, B., Murray, H., Turner, M., White, S., & Garrido, L. (2009). Normal social cognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 1-15.
- Garrido, L., Furl, N., Draganski, B., Weiskopf, N., Stevens, J., Tan, G.C-Y., Driver, J., Dolan, R., & Duchaine, B. (2009). VBM reveals reduced gray matter volume in the temporal cortex of developmental prosopagnosics. Brain, 132: 3443-3455.
- Bowles, D., McKone, E., Dawel, A., Duchaine, B., Schmalzl, L., Palermo, R., Wilson, C.E., & Rivolta, D. (2009). Diagnosing prosopagnosia: Effects of aging and participant-stimulus ethnic match on the Cambridge Face Memory Test and Cambridge Face Perception Test. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26: 423-455.
- Averbeck, B. & Duchaine, B. (2009). Integration of social and utilitarian factors in decision making. Emotion, 9: 599-608.
- Duchaine, B., Jenkins, R., Germine, L., & Calder, A.J. (2009). Normal gaze discrimination and adaptation in seven prosopagnosics. Neuropsychologia, 47: 2029-2036.
- Pitcher, D., Charles, L., Devlin, J., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2009). Triple dissociation
between faces, bodies, and objects in extrastriate cortex. Current Biology, 19: 319-324.
- Russell, R., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2009). Super-recognizers: People with extraordinary face recognition ability. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16: 252-257.
- Garrido, L., Eisner, F., McGettigan, C., Stewart, L., Sauter, D., Hanley, J.R., Schweinberger, S.R., Warren, J.D., & Duchaine, B. (2009). Developmental phonagnosia: a selective deficit to vocal identity recognition. Neuropsychologia, 47: 123-131.
- Duchaine, B. (2008). Editorial Comment on Prevalence of Hereditary Prosopagnosia (HPA) in Hong Kong Chinese Population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 146A: 2860-2862.
- Yardley, L., McDermott, L., Pisarski, S., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2008). Psychosocial consequences of developmental prosopagnosia: A problem of recognition. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 65: 445-451 .
- Abbas, Z-A. & Duchaine, B. (2008). The role of holistic processing in judgments of facial attractiveness. Perception, 37: 1187-1196.
- Pitcher, D., Garrido, L., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2008). TMS disrupts the perception and embodiment of facial expressions. Journal of Neuroscience, 28: 8929-8933.
- Duchaine, B. & Garrido, L. (2008). We’re getting warmer: Characterizing the mechanisms of face recognition with acquired prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 765-768.
- Todorov, A. & Duchaine, B. (2008). Reading trustworthiness in faces without recognizing faces. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 395-410.
- Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2008). Face detection in normal and prosopagnosic individuals. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2: 219-240.
- Duchaine, B. (2008). Review of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience. Quarterly Review of Biology, 83: 100.
- Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2007). TMS evidence for the involvement of the right occipital face area in early face processing. Current Biology, 17: 1568-1573.
- Duchaine, B., Germine, L., & Nakayama, K. (2007). Family resemblance: Ten family members. with prosopagnosia and within-class object agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24: 419-430.
- Duchaine, B., Yovel, G., & Nakayama, K. (2007). No global processing deficit in the Navon task in 14 developmental prosopagnosics. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, 2: 104-113.
- McKone, E., Kanwisher, N., & Duchaine, B. (2007). Can generic expertise explain special processing for faces? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11: 8-15.
- Duchaine, B. & Yovel, G. (2007). Face recognition. In: The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1st edition, 329-358.
- Duchaine, B & Nakayama, K. (2006). Developmental prosopagnosia: A window to content-
specific face processing. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 16: 166-173.
- Duchaine, B., Yovel, G., Butterworth, E., & Nakayama, K. (2006). Prosopagnosia as an impairment to face-specific mechanisms Elimination of the alternative hypotheses in a developmental case. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(5): 714-747.
- Yovel, G. & Duchaine, B. (2006). Specialized face perception mechanisms extract both part and spacing information: Evidence from developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(4): 580-593.
- Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2006). The Cambridge Face Memory Test: Results for neurologically intact individuals and an investigation of its validity using inverted face stimuli and prosopagnosic subjects. Neuropsychologia, 44(4): 576-585.
- Steeves, J., Culham, J., Duchaine, B., Cavina Pratesi, C., Valyear, K., Schindler, I., Humphrey, G.K., Milner, A.D., & Goodale, M.A. (2006). The fusiform face area is not sufficient for face recognition: Evidence from a patient with dense prosopagnosia and no occipital face area. Neuropsychologia, 44(4): 594-609.
2005 and before
- Harris, A., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2005). Normal and abnormal face selectivity of the M170 response in developmental prosopagnosics. Neuropsychologia, 43(14): 2125-2136.
- Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2005). Dissociations of face and object recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(2): 249-261.
- Duchaine, B. (2005). Review of M. Farah's Visual Agnosia, 2nd Ed. Optometry & Vision Science, 82(5): 356-357.
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- Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2004). Developmental prosopagnosia and the Benton Facial Recognition Test. Neurology, 62(1): 1219-1220.
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- Duchaine, B. & Weidenfeld, A. (2003). An evaluation of two commonly used tests of unfamiliar face recognition. Neuropsychologia, 41(6): 713-720.
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- Galaburda, A. & Duchaine, B. (2003). Developmental disorders of vision. Neurologic Clinics, 21(3): 687-707.
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- Duchaine, B. (2000). Developmental prosopagnosia with normal configural processing. Neuroreport, 11(1): 79-83.
- Fridlund, A.J. & Duchaine, B. (1995). Facial expressions of emotion and the delusion of the Hermetic Self. In: R. Harre & W.G. Parrott (Eds.),The Emotions. Sage: London.