
2025 and in press

  • Barton, J.J.S., Albonica, A., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Imagery and perception in acquired prosopagnosia: Functional variants and their relation to structure. Cortex.
  • Susilo, T., & Duchaine, B. (2025). Improving diagnosis of developmental prosopagnosia: The role of exclusion criteria. Cortex, 183, 304-308. PDF


  • Yovel, G., Duchaine, B., & Freiwald, W. (2024). Cortical face processing systems. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, 2nd edition (editor: Grafman, J). Elsevier. PDF
  • Mello, A., Stehr, D., Bujarski, K., & Duchaine, B. (2024). Visualising facial distortions in prosopometamorphopsia. The Lancet, 403(10432): 1176. PDF


  • Duchaine, B., Rezlescu C., Garrido L., Zhang Y., Braga M.V., & Susilo T. (2023). The development of upright face perception depends on evolved orientation-specific mechanisms and experience. iScience, 26(10): 107763. PDF
  • Herald, S.B., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Contralateral biases in category-selective areas are stronger in the left hemisphere than the right hemisphere. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(7): 1154–1168. PDF
  • Barton, J. J., Stubbs, J. L., Paquette, S., Duchaine, B., Schlaug, G., & Corrow, S. L. (2023). Music perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 108540. PDF
  • Herald, S.B., Almeida, J. & Duchaine, B. (2023). Face distortions in prosopometamorphopsia provide new insights into the organization of face perception. Neuropsychologia, 108517. PDF
  • Bell, L., Duchaine, B., & Susilo, T. (2023). Dissociations between face identity and face expression processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognition. PDF
  • Parker, B.J., Voorhies, W., Jiahui, G., Miller, J., Willbrand, E., Hallock, T., Furl, N., Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & Weiner, K. (2023). Hominoid-specific sulcal variability is related to face perception ability. Brain Structure and Function, 228, 677–685. PDF
  • Kieseler, M-L., & Duchaine, B. (2023). Persistent prosopagnosia following COVID-19. Cortex, 162, 56-64. PDF


  • Arrington, M., Elbich, D., Dai, J., Duchaine, B., & Scherf, K.S. Introducing the female Cambridge face memory test – long form (F-CFMT+). Behavior Research Methods, 54(6), 3071-3084. PDF


  • Abudarham, N., Bate, S., Duchaine, B., & Yovel, G. (2021). Developmental prosopagnosics and super recognizers rely on the same facial features used by individuals with normal face recognition abilities for face identification. Neuropsychologia, 107963. PDF
  • Stantic, M., Brewer, R., Duchaine, B., Banissy, M.J., Bate, S., Susilo, T., Catmur, C., and Bird, G. (2021). The Oxford Face Matching Test: A Non-Biased Test of The Full Range of Individual Differences in Face Perception. Behavior Research Methods. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K., Khan, A., Duchaine, B., & Elison, J. (2021). Visual input to the left versus right eye yields differences in face preferences in 3-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 24(2), e13029. PDF


  • Almeida, J., Freixo, A., Tabuas-Periera, M., Herald, S.B., Valerio, D., Schu, G., Duro, D., Cunha, G., Bukhari, Q., Duchaine, B., & Santana, I. (2020). Face-Specific Perceptual Distortions Reveal A View- and Orientation-Independent Face Template. Current Biology 30,1-7. PDF
  • Jiahui, G., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (in press). Attentional modulation differentially affects ventral and dorsal face areas in both normal participants and developmental prosopagnosics. Cognitive Neuropsychology. PDF


  • Peterson, M. F., Zaun, I., Hoke, H., Jiahui, G., Duchaine, B., & Kanwisher, N. (2019). Eye movements and retinotopic tuning in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Vision, 19(9), 7-7. PDF
  • Barton, J. J., Albonico, A., Susilo, T., Duchaine, B., & Corrow, S. L. (2019). Object recognition in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-31. PDF
  • Corrow, S.L., Stubbs, J.L., Schlaug, G., Buss, S., Paquette, S., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2019). Perception Of Musical Pitch In Developmental Prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 124: 87-97. PDF
  • Tardif, J., Morin Duchesne, X., Cohan, S., Royer, J., Blais, C., Fiset, D., Duchaine, B., & Gosselin, F. (2019). Use of face information varies systematically from developmental prosopagnosics to super-recognizers. Psychological science, 30(2), 300-308. PDF


  • Penton, T., Bate, S., Dalrymple, K.A., Reed, T., Kelly, M., Godovich, S., Tamm, M., Duchaine, B., & Banissy, M.J. (2018). Using High Frequency Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation to Modulate Face Memory Performance in Younger and Older Adults: Lessons Learnt From Mixed Findings. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12. PDF
  • Royer, J., Blais, C., Charbonneau, I., Déry, K., Tardif, J., Duchaine, B., Gosselin, F., & Fiset, D. (2018). Greater reliance on the eye region predicts better face recognition ability. Cognition. 181: 12-20. PDF
  • Jiahui, G., Yang, H., & Duchaine, B. (2018). Developmental prosopagnosics have widespread selectivity reductions across category-selective visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: E6418-E6427. PDF
  • Loth, E., Garrido, L., Ahmad, J., Watson, E., Duff, A.C., & Duchaine, B. (2018). Facial expression recognition as a candidate marker for autism spectrum disorder: How frequent and severe are deficits? Molecular Autism, 9: 7. PDF
  • Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & DeGutis, J. (2018). Association vs dissociation and setting appropriate criteria for object agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35: 55-58. PDF


  • Biotti, F., Wu, E., Yang, H., Jiahui, G., Duchaine, B., & Cook, R. (2017). Normal composite face effects in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 95: 63-76. PDF
  • Jiahui, G., Garrido, L., Liu, R.R., Susilo, T., Barton, J.J., & Duchaine, B. (2017). Normal voice processing after posterior superior temporal sulcus lesion. Neuropsychologia, 105: 215-222. PDF
  • Finzi, D., Susilo, T., Barton, J.J., & Duchaine, B. (in press). The role of holistic face processing in acquired prosopagnosia: evidence from the composite face effect. Visual Cognition. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K.A., Elison, J.T., & Duchaine, B. (2017). Face-selective and domain-general visual processing deficits in children with developmental prosopagnosia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70: 259-275. PDF



  • Freiwald, W., Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2016). Face processing systems: From neurons to real world social perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 39: 325-346. PDF
  • Rubino, C., Corrow, S., Corrow, J., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Word and text processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 33: 315-328. PDF
  • Moroz, D., Corrow, S., Corrow, J., Barton, A., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J. (2016). Localization and patterns of cerebral dyschomatopsia: A study of subjects with prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 89: 153-160. PDF
  • Lohse, M., Garrido, L., Driver, J., Dolan, R., Duchaine, B., & Furl, N. (2016). Effective Connectivity from Early Visual Cortex to Posterior Occipito-temporal Face Areas Predicts Developmental Prosopagnosia. Journal of Neuroscience, 36: 3821-3828. PDF
  • Corrow J, Corrow SL, Lee E, Pancaroglu R, Burles CF, Duchaine B, Iaria G, Barton JJS. (2016). Getting lost: topographic skills in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 76: 89-103. PDF
  • Towler, J., Gosling, A., Duchaine, B., & Eimer, M. (2016). Normal perception of Mooney faces in developmental prosopagnosia: Evidence from the N170 component and rapid neural adaptation. Journal of Neuropsychology, 10: 15-32. PDF
  • Pancaroglu, R., Hills, C.S., Sekunova, A., Viswanathan, J., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Seeing the eyes in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex, 81: 251-265. PDF
  • Yang, H., Susilo, T., & Duchaine, B. (2016). The anterior temporal face area contains invariant representations of identity that can persist despite the loss of right FFA and OFA. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 1096-1107. PDF
  • Liu, R.R., Pancaroglu, R., Hills, C.S., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J. (2016). Voice recognition in face-blind patients. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 1473-1487. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K. & Duchaine, B. (2016). Impaired face detection may explain some but not all cases of developmental prosopagnosia. Developmental Science. 19: 440-451. PDF


  • Song, S., Garrido, L., Nagy, Z., Mohammadi, S., Steel, A., Driver, J., Dolan, R., Duchaine, B., & Furl, N. (2015). Local but not long-range microstructural differences of the ventral temporal cortex in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 78: 195-206.PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Yovel, G. (2015). A revised neural framework for face processing. Annual Review of Vision Science, 1: 393-416. PDF
  • Susilo, T., Wright, V., Tree, J., & Duchaine, B. (2015). Acquired prosopagnosia without word recognition deficits. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32: 321-339. PDF
  • Liu, R.R., Corrow, S., Pancaroglu, R., Duchaine, B. & Barton, J.J.S. (2015). The processing of voice identity in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 71: 390-397. PDF
  • Hills, C., Pancaroglu, R., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2015). Word and text processing in acquired prosopagnosia. Annals of Neurology, 78: 258-281. PDF
  • Romanska, A., Rezlescu, C., Susilo, T., Duchaine, B., & Banissy, M.J. (2015). High frequency transcranial random noise stimulation enhances perception of facial identity. Cerebral Cortex, 25: 4334-4340. PDF
  • Susilo, T., Yang, H., Potter, Z., Robbins, R., & Duchaine, B. (2015). Normal body perception despite the loss of right fusiform gyrus. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14: 1-14. PDF


  • Pitcher, D., Duchaine, B., & Walsh, V. (2014). Combined TMS and fMRI reveals dissociable cortical pathways for dynamic and static face perception. Current Biology, 24: 2066-2070. PDF
  • Bate, S., Cook, S.J., Duchaine, B., Tree, J.J., Burns, E.J., & Hodgson, T.L. (2014).  Intranasal inhalation of oxytocin improves face processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex, 50: 55-63. PDF
  • Croydon, A., Pimperton, H., Ewing, L., & Duchaine, B., & Pellicano, E. (2014). The Cambridge Face Memory Test for Children (CFMT-C): A new tool for measuring face recognition skills in children. Neuropsychologia, 62: 60-67. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K.A.*, Davies-Thompson, J.*, Oruc, I., Handy, T., Barton, J., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Spontaneous perceptual facial distortions correlate with ventral occipitotemporal activity. Neuropsychologia, 59: 179-191. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K., Garrido, L., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 10: 10-20. PDF
  • Rezlescu, C., Pitcher, D., Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Normal acquisition of expertise with greebles in two cases of acquired prosopagnosia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111: 5123-5128. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K.A.*, Fletcher, K.*, Corrow, S., das Nair, R., Barton, J., Yonas, A., & Duchaine, B. (2014). "A room full of strangers every day": The psychosocial impact of developmental prosopganosia on children and their families. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77: 144-150. (* = joint first authors) PDF
  • Rezlescu, C.*, Susilo, T.*, Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2014). Normal social evaluations of faces in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex, 50: 200-203. (* = joint first authors) PDF
  • Rezlescu, C.* & Susilo. T.* (2014). What can the Thatcher illusion tell us about face processing in the brain? Commentary on Psalta, Young, Thompson, and Andrews (2014). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 289. (* = joint first authors) PDF
  • Yovel, G., Wilmer, J., & Duchaine, B. (2014). What can individual differences reveal about face processing? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 562. PDF


  • Susilo, T., Rezlescu, C., & Duchaine, B. (2013). The composite effect for inverted faces is reliable at large sample sizes and requires the basic face configuration. Journal of Vision, 13(13), 14. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K.A., Gomez, J., & Duchaine, B. (2013). The Dartmouth Database of Children's Faces: Acquisition and validation of a new face stimulus set. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e79131. PDF
  • Susilo, T. & Duchaine, B. (2013). Dissociations between faces and words: comment on Behrmann & Plaut. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(11): 545. PDF Plaut & Behrmann response PDF
  • Fox, C.J., Iaria, G., Duchaine, B.C., & Barton, J.J.S. (2013). Residual fMRI sensitivity for identity changes in acquired prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 756. PDF
  • Susilo, T., Germine, L., & Duchaine, B. (2013). Face recognition ability matures late: Evidence from individual differences in young adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 39(5): 1212-1217. PDF
  • Susilo, T., Yovel, G., Barton, J.J.S., & Duchaine, B. (2013). Face perception is category-specific: Evidence from normal body perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Cognition, 129: 88-94. PDF
  • Susilo, T. & Duchaine, B. (2013). Advances in developmental prosopagnosia research. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 23(3): 423-429. PDF


  • Palermo, R. & Duchaine, B. (2012). Introduction to this special issue on developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29 (5-6): 349-353.
  • Dalrymple, K.A., Corrow, S., Yonas, A., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29 (5-6): 393-418. PDF
  • Rezlescu, C., Pitcher, D., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Acquired prosopagnosia with spared within-class object recognition but impaired recognition of basic-level objects. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29: 325–347. PDF
  • Kanai, R., Bahrami, B., Duchaine, B, Janik, A., Banissy, M.J. & Rees, G. (2012). Brain structure links loneliness to social
    perception. Current Biology, 22: 1975-1979. PDF
  • Pitcher, D., Goldhaber, T., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., and Kanwisher, N. (2012). Two critical and functionally distinct stages of face and body perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32: 15877-15885. PDF
  • Towler, J., Gosling, A., Duchaine, B., & Eimer, M. (2012). The face-sensitive N170 component in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 50: 3588-3599. PDF
  • Germine, L., Nakayama, K., Duchaine, B., Chabris, C., Chatterjee, G., and Wilmer, J. (2012). Is the web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19: 847-857.PDF
  • Dennett, H.W., McKone, E., Tavashmi, R., Hall, A., Pidcock, M., Edwards, M., Duchaine, B. (2012). The Cambridge Car Memory Test: A task matched in format to the Cambridge Face Memory Test, with norms, reliability, sex differences, dissociations from face memory, and expertise effects. Behavior Research Methods, 44: 587-605. PDF
  • Rezlescu, C., Duchaine, B., Olivola, C.Y., & Chater, N. (2012). Unfakeable Facial Configurations Affect Strategic Choices in Trust Games With or Without Information About Past Behavior. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034293. PDF
  • Eimer, M., Gosling, A., & Duchaine, B. (2012). Electrophysiological markers of covert face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Brain, 135: 542-54. PDF


  • Pitcher, D., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., Kanwisher, N. (2011) . The role of the lateral occipital face and object areas in the face inversion effect. Neuropsychologia, 49(12): 3448-53. PDF
  • Fox, C.J., Hanif, H.M., Iaria, G., Duchaine, B., & Barton, J.J.S. (2011). Perceptual and anatomic patterns of selective deficits in facial identity and expression processing. Neuropsychologia, 49(12): 3188-200. PDF
  • Dalrymple, K.A., Oruç, I., Duchaine, B., Pancaroglu, R., Fox, C.J., Iaria, G., Handy, T.C. & Barton, J.J.S. (2011). The neuroanatomic basis of the right face-selective N170 in acquired prosopagnosia: A combined ERP/fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 49: 2553-2563. PDF
  • Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., Duchaine, B. (2011). The role of the occipital face area in the cortical face perception network. Experimental Brain Research, 209(4): 481-93. PDF
  • Cook, R. & Duchaine, B. (2011). A look at how we look at others: Orientation inversion and photographic negation disrupt the perception of human bodies. Visual Cognition, 19 (4): 445-468. PDF
  • Banissy, M., Garrido, L., Kusnir, F., Duchaine, B., Walsh, V., & Ward, J. (2011). Superior facial expression, but not identity recognition, in mirror-touch synaesthesia.The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(5): 1820–1824. PDF
  • Germine, L., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2011). Where cognitive development and aging meet: Face learning ability peaks after age 30. Cognition, 118(2): 201-210. PDF
  • Furl, N., Garrido, L., Dolan, R., Driver, J., & Duchaine, B. (2011). Fusiform gyrus face selectivity reflects facial recognition ability.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7): 1723–1740. PDF
  • Germine, L., Cashdollar, N., Düzel, E., & Duchaine, B. (2011). A new selective developmental deficit: Impaired object recognition with normal face recognition. Cortex, 47(5): 598-607. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. (2011). Developmental prosopagnosia. In: Handbook of Face Perception (Eds: Calder, Rhodes, Haxby, & Johnson), Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2011). Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies of face perception. In: Handbook of Face Perception (Eds: Calder, Rhodes, Haxby, & Johnson). Oxford University Press. PDF


  • Wilmer, J.B., Germine, L., Chabris, C.F., Chatterjee, G., Williams, M., Loken, E., Nakayama, K., & Duchaine, B. (2010). Human face recognition ability is highly heritable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 5238-5241. PDF Comment on this article PDF , Reply to Comment PDF
  • Lee, Y., Duchaine, B., Nakayama, K., & Wilson, H. (2010). Three cases of developmental prosopagnosia from one family: Detailed neuropsychological and psychophysical investigation of face processing. Cortex, 46: 949-964. PDF


  • Duchaine, B., Murray, H., Turner, M., White, S., & Garrido, L. (2009). Normal social cognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 1-15. PDF
  • Garrido, L., Furl, N., Draganski, B., Weiskopf, N., Stevens, J., Tan, G.C-Y., Driver, J., Dolan, R., & Duchaine, B. (2009). VBM reveals reduced gray matter volume in the temporal cortex of developmental prosopagnosics. Brain, 132: 3443-3455. PDF
  • Bowles, D., McKone, E., Dawel, A., Duchaine, B., Schmalzl, L., Palermo, R., Wilson, C.E., & Rivolta, D. (2009). Diagnosing prosopagnosia: Effects of aging and participant-stimulus ethnic match on the Cambridge Face Memory Test and Cambridge Face Perception Test. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26: 423-455. PDF
  • Averbeck, B. & Duchaine, B. (2009). Integration of social and utilitarian factors in decision making. Emotion, 9: 599-608. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Jenkins, R., Germine, L., & Calder, A.J. (2009). Normal gaze discrimination and adaptation in seven prosopagnosics. Neuropsychologia, 47: 2029-2036. PDF
  • Pitcher, D., Charles, L., Devlin, J., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2009). Triple dissociation between faces, bodies, and objects in extrastriate cortex. Current Biology, 19: 319-324. PDF
  • Russell, R., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2009). Super-recognizers: People with extraordinary face recognition ability. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16: 252-257. PDF
  • Garrido, L., Eisner, F., McGettigan, C., Stewart, L., Sauter, D., Hanley, J.R., Schweinberger, S.R., Warren, J.D., & Duchaine, B. (2009). Developmental phonagnosia: a selective deficit to vocal identity recognition. Neuropsychologia, 47: 123-131. PDF


  • Duchaine, B. (2008). Editorial Comment on Prevalence of Hereditary Prosopagnosia (HPA) in Hong Kong Chinese Population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 146A: 2860-2862. PDF
  • Yardley, L., McDermott, L., Pisarski, S., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2008). Psychosocial consequences of developmental prosopagnosia: A problem of recognition. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 65: 445-451 . PDF
  • Abbas, Z-A. & Duchaine, B. (2008). The role of holistic processing in judgments of facial attractiveness. Perception, 37: 1187-1196. PDF
  • Pitcher, D., Garrido, L., Walsh, V., & Duchaine, B. (2008). TMS disrupts the perception and embodiment of facial expressions. Journal of Neuroscience, 28: 8929-8933. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Garrido, L. (2008). We’re getting warmer: Characterizing the mechanisms of face recognition with acquired prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 765-768. PDF
  • Todorov, A. & Duchaine, B. (2008). Reading trustworthiness in faces without recognizing faces. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25: 395-410. PDF
  • Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2008). Face detection in normal and prosopagnosic individuals. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2: 219-240. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. (2008). Review of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience. Quarterly Review of Biology, 83: 100. PDF


  • Pitcher, D., Walsh, V., Yovel, G., & Duchaine, B. (2007). TMS evidence for the involvement of the right occipital face area in early face processing. Current Biology, 17: 1568-1573. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Germine, L., & Nakayama, K. (2007). Family resemblance: Ten family members. with prosopagnosia and within-class object agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24: 419-430. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Yovel, G., & Nakayama, K. (2007). No global processing deficit in the Navon task in 14 developmental prosopagnosics. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, 2: 104-113. PDF
  • McKone, E., Kanwisher, N., & Duchaine, B. (2007). Can generic expertise explain special processing for faces? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11: 8-15. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Yovel, G. (2007). Face recognition. In: The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1st edition, 329-358. PDF


  • Duchaine, B & Nakayama, K. (2006). Developmental prosopagnosia: A window to content- specific face processing. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 16: 166-173. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Yovel, G., Butterworth, E., & Nakayama, K. (2006). Prosopagnosia as an impairment to face-specific mechanisms Elimination of the alternative hypotheses in a developmental case. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(5): 714-747. PDF
  • Yovel, G. & Duchaine, B. (2006). Specialized face perception mechanisms extract both part and spacing information: Evidence from developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(4): 580-593. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2006). The Cambridge Face Memory Test: Results for neurologically intact individuals and an investigation of its validity using inverted face stimuli and prosopagnosic subjects. Neuropsychologia, 44(4): 576-585. PDF
  • Steeves, J., Culham, J., Duchaine, B., Cavina Pratesi, C., Valyear, K., Schindler, I., Humphrey, G.K., Milner, A.D., & Goodale, M.A. (2006). The fusiform face area is not sufficient for face recognition: Evidence from a patient with dense prosopagnosia and no occipital face area. Neuropsychologia, 44(4): 594-609. PDF

2005 and before

  • Harris, A., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. (2005). Normal and abnormal face selectivity of the M170 response in developmental prosopagnosics. Neuropsychologia, 43(14): 2125-2136. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2005). Dissociations of face and object recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(2): 249-261. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. (2005). Review of M. Farah's Visual Agnosia, 2nd Ed. Optometry & Vision Science, 82(5): 356-357. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Dingle, K., Butterworth, E., & Nakayama, K. (2004). Normal greeble learning in a severe case of developmental prosopagnosia. Neuron, 43(4): 469-473. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Nakayama, K. (2004). Developmental prosopagnosia and the Benton Facial Recognition Test. Neurology, 62(1): 1219-1220. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Parker, H., & Nakayama, K. (2003). Normal emotion recognition in a prosopagnosic. Perception, 32(7): 827-838. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. & Weidenfeld, A. (2003). An evaluation of two commonly used tests of unfamiliar face recognition. Neuropsychologia, 41(6): 713-720. PDF
  • Duchaine, B., Nieminen-von Wendt, T., New, J., & Kulomaki, T. (2003). Dissociations of visual recognition in a developmental prosopagnosic: Evidence for separate developmental processes. Neurocase, 9(5): 380-389. PDF
  • Galaburda, A. & Duchaine, B. (2003). Developmental disorders of vision. Neurologic Clinics, 21(3): 687-707.
  • Duchaine, B., Cosmides, L., & Tooby, J. (2001). Evolutionary psychology and the brain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 11(2): 225-230. PDF
  • Duchaine, B. (2000). Developmental prosopagnosia with normal configural processing. Neuroreport, 11(1): 79-83. PDF
  • Fridlund, A.J. & Duchaine, B. (1995). Facial expressions of emotion and the delusion of the Hermetic Self. In: R. Harre & W.G. Parrott (Eds.),The Emotions. Sage: London. PDF